How to clean your glasses
in five easy steps
5 steps to cleaner glasses
1) First you must rinse your glasses under a gentle stream of lukewarm tap water2) Then apply a small drop of any lenses cleanser, or even a lotion free dishwasher liquid, and spread gently on the lenses. The key here is to be as gentle as possible since lenses are very delicate, and easily subjected to scratches and marks.
3) After rinsing thoroughly, gently shake the glasses to rid them of any excess water. This ensures that no droplet is left behind since this can damage the lenses.
4) Inspect the lenses carefully to ensure that they are clean
5) Carefully dry the lenses with a clean, lint-free cloth, and try not to aggressively rub the lenses while doing so. Our complimentary cleaning cloth is perfect for the job!
Now your Eyefuncusa frames are all ready to be worn!